The Risks Of Online Wills During Covid 19 Pandemic


As the coronavirus (COVID-19) sweeps through our state, many Pennsylvanians are likely to take action and begin planning for their family’s future. However, due to social distancing and government mandates to stay home, many Americans are utilizing do-it-yourself will websites, which may seem like a good idea now, but when it comes time for your will to be used, it may turn out to be invalid. Our estate planning pros at Fellerman & Ciarimboli want to guide you through the will process and the risks involved in drafting your will online.

What Makes A Will Valid In Pennsylvania?

According to Title 20 §2501, et seq, a will in Pennsylvania must meet the following criteria to be considered valid:

  • The testator must be of sound mind, and
  • 18 years old.
  • The document must be signed by the declarant,
  • before two witnesses.

While that seems pretty basic, there’s a lot that can go wrong between these black and white legalities to the final document.

Where Diy Wills And Online Wills Go Wrong

Let’s be honest: Not everyone is well versed in estate planning. Most of us don’t want to even think about it until we have to. And because of that, some of us don’t know what kind of documentation we need for our end of life care. 

Sure, everyone needs a will. But what kind of will? And what about trusts? How much money do you have in certain accounts, your retirement plan, etc? How does all of that factor in? And what does it mean for your family long after you are gone?

These are all important and very real questions you should be asking. But you can’t ask a form online. You need a trusted estate planning attorney who can answer your questions, create a plan, and walk you through the process, so when the time comes for your will to be needed, there won’t be questions in court. And you can rest assured that your will won’t be contested.

Right now, you may be panicking and just want to write a will to be covered. But what’s the point of drafting a will that’s essentially worthless when you need to utilize it?

We can help you. We know in this 24-hour news cycle, you may feel stressed and overwhelmed. But our team is here to help you at any time. 

We are conducting business remotely so you can stay in the comfort of your own home while creating the essential estate planning documents you need for every stage in life.


As the entire world is facing such an unprecedented medical event, the time to plan for the future is now. That is why the estate planning attorneys at Fellerman & Ciarimboli are here to help you plan ahead. We will work tirelessly to make this process as simple as possible by working with financial advisors and experts to make sure your finances are taken care of.

Contact the Pennsylvania estate planning attorneys at Fellerman & Ciarimboli today for a free consultation.

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